Author Archives: Cosima D'Inzillo

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On the Road: Shakespeare’s Diva!!

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Shakespeare’s leading star…!! Handmade in Italy rocks in the UK!!!

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Look what who we found walking down Shakespeare Road…… A true Italian diva…..!!! Handmade in Italy Rocks in the UK!!

Guardate chi abbiamo incontrato camminando per Shakespeare Road….. Una vera diva italiana…..!!! Handmade in Italy Rocks in the UK!!

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On the Road: Glamping with rockstars….near London. Glamping con delle rock star……vicino a Londra.

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Glamping with rock stars…..

We decided to park our motorhome outside London and go to town with the train. After a couple of nights we found out that in the two motorhomes near us were staying some super cool rock stars…….Unfortunately we promised not to say who…..!!!!!!

Abbiamo deciso di parcheggiare il Motorhome fuori da Londra e andare in città col treno. Dopo un paio di notti abbiamo scoperto che nei due motorhome vicino a noi c’erano delle rock star super cool…..Abbiamo promesso di non dire chi erano…..!!!!!!


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On the Road: Canterbury Rocks!!

Canterbury Rocks! 


As we entered Canterbury Cathedral, magic happened and we were able to listen to the rehersal of Verdi’s Requiem…..what a treat!

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Canterbury Rocks!

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Canterbury Rocks!


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Canterbury Rocks!

Appena entrati nella cattedrale di Canterbury come per magia abbiamo sentito della musica bellissima…..C’erano le prove generali del Requiem di Verdi…..Che bel regalo!







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On the Road: On board to the UK!

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Boarding the ship at Calais

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On board with a yellow tab informing that there’s a pet inside the Motorhome. Unfortunately dogs where not allowed on deck…..A bordo con un foglio giallo che avverte che c’è un animale sul Motorhome. Purtroppo i cani non sono ammessi sulla nave……

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On deck, leaving Calais. In the distance, you can see the Camper’s Parking where we spent 2 nights. Sul ponte lasciando Calais. Sullo sfondo si vede il Camper Parking dove abbiamo passato 2 notti.


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On the Road: Calais going to Great Britain

Finally arrived in Calais where we stayed by the the Camper Parking at the harbor, right by the sea… very On the Road!!!

Here are some pictures of the view from our Motorhome. It was so beautiful watching the ships coming and going to Great Britain, that we decided to stay a couple of nights before boarding the ship.

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At the camper parking in Calais

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In good company, at the Camper Parking in Calais

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A view of a ship from our Motorhome

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Relaxing and enjoying the view!

Arrivati a Calais! Siamo stati a dormire al Camper Parking al porto proprio sul mare.   Molto on the Road!!!

Ecco qui delle foto di quello che vedevamo dal nostro Motorhome! E’ così bello guardare le navi andare e venire dalla Gran Bretagna, che siamo rimasti due notti prima di imbarcarci.

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On the Road: Camping in Amsterdam….Hippy chic and….très chic!!!!

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Hippy Chic in Amsterdam

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A hippy chic view, from our Motorhome

We stayed in two different camp sites in Amsterdam: the first one, on an island by the sea had a fun, hippy chic vibe to it and the second one….très chic!!!!

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Très chic in Amsterdam!!

Ad Amsterdam siamo stati in due camping differenti: il primo, su un isolotto sul mare, molto divertente, cool e hippy chic e il secondo…. très chic!!!